After a complete lockdown of two months, the Indian government has waved the green flag for domestic air travel along with an extensive list of rules and regulations that one must follow. Yes, Indian skies have opened up finally, and travelling now, as opposed to pre-COVID19, is going to be very different! Let’s look at the guidelines issued by the Health Ministry and State-issued quarantine protocols.

Guidelines Issued by the Health Ministry for Passenger Quarantine
The states have drastically reduced the number of domestic flights flying between different cities. The Health Ministry has also issued the following guidelines for flyers:
- Only those with no symptoms of COVID19 are allowed to fly
- All passengers must wear masks compulsorily
- Passengers must reach the airport 2 hours before the flight
- Travellers should install Aarogya Setu app on their phones
- They must comply with the thermal screening procedure at the departure points
- Flyers must agree to self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival
- Passengers must follow social distancing and maintain at least 6 feet distance

Metro cities and non-metros that witnessed hundreds of domestic and international flights journeying across different Indian cities and abroad just a few months back are now preparing for a completely new kind of domestic air travel, post two months of lockdown. Safety and security of passengers and staff is the foremost concern amid the deadly coronavirus pandemic that has wreaked havoc globally, and the airlines are striving hard to comply with them.
In fact, to ensure 100% safety of the flyers as well as the locals, different states have a different take on home vs institutional quarantining of the disembarking passengers. Here is all that you need to know.
Quarantine Protocols in the Different States
1 Maharashtra
The state has ordered a compulsory home quarantine for flyers disembarking in this state. They will have a mandatory home quarantine stamp even if they are asymptomatic. Only those coming here for a very short duration are likely to be exempted.
For more details, visit:
2 Tamil Nadu
The state has allowed a total of 25 flights and has strictly ordered passengers both mildly symptomatic and asymptomatic travellers to undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or in a hotel. Getting the quarantine stamp is also a must, without which one cannot leave the airport.
For more details, visit:
3 Delhi
Asymptomatic travellers disembarking in Delhi need not go for isolation or quarantine but are expected to monitor their health for 14 days for any symptoms of COVID19. Passengers showing symptoms of coronavirus will be escorted to the nearest healthcare facility. Those with mild symptoms can choose either to self-isolate at home or go to a COVID19 care centre.
For more details, visit –
4 Karnataka
Karnataka has ordered passengers arriving from Maharashtra, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat to check into an institutional or state-run quarantine centre for 7 days and self-isolate at home for another 7 days. This applies for every type of traveller, except businessmen with a COVID19 negative certificate from labs approved by Indian Council of Medical Research two days prior to their travel date.
For more details, visit –
5 Punjab
All travellers arriving at Punjab should follow home quarantine for 14 days. Rapid COVID19 tests will be carried out on all travellers in this period and those who are symptomatic will be shifted to COVID19 care centres and treated accordingly.
For more details, visit –
6 Goa
Passengers can choose between institutional or home-quarantine for 14 days, upon arriving at Goa airport. Those who show symptoms will be tested and treated.
For more details, visit
The UT will note down the contact details of the passengers arriving here and also have them sign an undertaking.
For more details, visit –
8 Kerala
Passengers must procure an entry pass from the website for domestic air travel and those without the pass have to go for a mandatory 14-day institutional quarantine. However, businessmen and passengers visiting the state for a very brief period are exempted from institutional quarantine.
For more details, visit –
9 Chhattisgarh
Quarantine is a must for all domestic air travellers but they have a choice between home or hotel quarantine. They have to isolate themselves for 14 days compulsorily.
For more details, visit –
10 Assam
Screening and 14-day quarantine at home and an institutional facility is mandatory for all passengers landing at Assam. They will be tested for symptoms and those testing negative will be allowed to leave after 14 days of quarantine is completed.
For more details, visit –
11 Mizoram
Mizoram is taking strict action and allowing only locals stranded in other states to return back and all such persons are put on a 14-day institutional quarantine.
For more details, visit –
12 Meghalaya
All travellers will be brought to Shillong or Tura from Guwahati and kept in institutional quarantine for 48 hours post which tests are conducted for COVID19. If found negative, those passengers are allowed to go home.
For more details, visit –
13 Jammu & Kashmir
All travellers landing at J&K have to undergo compulsory institutional quarantine for 15 days.
For more details, visit –
14 Uttar Pradesh
Passengers planning to stay for a longer duration will have to stay at 14-day home quarantine or choose institutional quarantine as well. They will be tested after 6 days and will be allowed to leave if tested negative for COVID19.
For more details, visit-
15 Rajasthan
The state has announced mandatory home quarantine for 14 days for all passengers landing at the Jaipur airport. Businessmen and travellers with COVID19 negative reports can move around the state after 7 days.
For more details, visit –
16 Odisha
The state has relaxed the quarantine protocols for those travelling from or to Odisha for 72 hours and has decided to exempt them from mandatory quarantine. For other travellers, a 14-day quarantine at home or institution is compulsory.
For more details, visit –
17 Himachal Pradesh
The state has decided to allow only residents stranded in other parts to enter Himachal Pradesh. They will undergo thermal screening post which they will be quarantined for 28 days – 7 days of institutional quarantine and 21 days of home quarantine.
For more details, visit –
18 Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh are starting domestic air travel from Tuesday and have decided to allow asymptomatic passengers, while all symptomatic passengers will undergo quarantine. Passengers without any symptoms are advised for home isolation for 14 days.
For more details, visit –
With these stringent steps taken to control the spread of COVID19 in India while commencing domestic air travel, let’s hope people get to travel safely and securely.
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