A simple glance at any of the statistics of the research done in different fields, on people from different backgrounds and different ages; there is only one undisputed result which surfaces: travel increases productivity. The only thing that creates a hurdle in the sheer belief of this fact is the myth that by working continuously, or without any breaks we would get ahead in the race.
Effect of Travel On Productivity
1. Relieves Exhaustion

Traveler Enjoying Beach Side
Not only does travel rejuvenate the employees, but it is known to relieve the building stress. Once the burden of stress is of the head, the thinking capacity, the physical fitness, psychological conditions are thoroughly and most of all the creativity is improved. Such an overall improvement is bound to show better results in the business arena.
2. A Bond with Nature Helps Perform Better

Humans are a product of nature and the only way to recharge the diminishing battery is to go back to the roots of our existence. The reestablishment of such a bond creates newer insights and leads to better performance.
3. Improved Communication Skills

Travelers Chatting
The greater the travel, the more the exposure. The more the exposure the more the exposure, the better are your skills. Travel as opposed to the popular belief is not a synonym for killing time; rather it is the synonym for learning new things.
Nothing is a better teacher than experience and the more a person travels, the greater is the experience leading to a much better skill set. Communication skills for one have a direct connection with travel.
4. Results in Increased Capacity

Traveller Admiring
The simplicity of the venture as great as a vacation has been undermined for long. Vacation time should not be considered as time away from work, rather it should be considered as the time taken to make yourself perform better in the future. Though latent the in performance, the rejuvenated version of you is bound to supersede the compulsive worker version of you.
5. The Norm of Development

City Travel
It is only in developing countries like India where people live the falsehood, that working constantly would reap more results. For betterment, we need to shift our focus from such daft point of view and believe in the norm of the developed countries, which in spite of being on top are bettering themselves. Their theory is to live the work comfortably and without pressure.
Countries like France have 40 vacation days allotted to employees and such days have their effect, leading to their effectiveness being as good as that of US.
6. Opportunity to Reflect

Traveler Reflecting (source)
When you are too close to or are completely enveloped in a single situation, it is very hard to judge the direction in which the efforts are heading. It is only the eagle eye view which helps you gain a better perspective. Travel gives you the opportunity to take yourself out of the hassle, view it from a distance by reflecting on it and finally make the required actions for better results.
7. Inspiration

Inspired Traveler
Travelling makes you come in contact with real life situation other than yours, and the time off helps you get inspired by them. If in the regular routine, such sources of inspiration cannot possibly find you; you have to step out of the constriction and let the other information in to find your source.
8. Connections

Travel Tales
Other than being exceptionally helpful in rejuvenating you, inspiring you and helping you find your true self, travel helps you build a better connection. It is through coming out of your hole, that you come in contact with people from different countries, cultures and fields.
Among such people, you are very likely to find friends that last for life or build connections that come in handy in the most atrocious of situations.
9. The ‘Me’ Time

Traveler Reading
Being completely engrossed in work, makes you lose all the essential time you require for your maintenance. Sleep for one is highly compromised on. It is only when you are on a vacation that you finally are able to pamper yourself. This completion of your health backed up, helps in improving your cognitive skills, decision making and increases alertness.
10. Scientific Fact

It is a scientific fact, that taking breaks is essential. Even the very fundamentals of the management principles have advocated the needs for timely breaks. Such grounds have been set after a detailed analysis and understanding of the human behaviour.
11. Happy Life

Happy Traveler
Travel only seems to enhance creativity and work-life balance rather than decreasing the productivity. Analysing the statistics of a vacation deprived country like India, we understand the there is more than 90% of the demographic which believes that taking a vacation makes them happy. A happy person is bound to perform better than the one cribbing over the overload of work.
The above-stated pointers prove that travelling is nothing but just a means to increase productivity in a contemporary manner. Even if the break is of just 24 hours, it shows results improved to a great length. Such is the magic of the much-needed breaks.
The bottom-line is that vacation days are given to make sure that the employees use them to keep their health and productivity up to the mark. They should be utilized to accomplish their purpose. Share your experiences with travel and productivity in the comments below, to help us gain a better understanding of the same.